Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is keep oneself from being polluted by the world. ~James 1:27

This morning I got up and stood with students at Ida High School for See You At the Pole to pray for their school and lift up the faculty, students, the building, advisors, the nation, and the world, holding hands and standing together. It strikes me as a privilage to be a leader to these young people and I remember being in their position; a young high school kid who had sports, games, homework, friends, and many things on my teenie bopper to-do list! haha. But it was very important to me at the time, and it's important to me now because those times made me who I am today, and is shaping these students today into who they will be in years to come. So as I was standing there in prayer our little circle grew slowly.
Now thinking about this morning I read this verse with a new perspective. It's vital that mature Christians keep ourselves from being polluted by the world but it's also our responsibility to help the young ones from being polluted as well. We cannot shield them completely but by a covering of prayer and Godly wisdom we can help. It was like a small circle of light around that flagpole this morning, shining in a dark world where they will be tempted, hurt, and people will try to rob them of their confidence. I praise God that our students were willing to go early and lift their prayers to the Lord, and I praise God for bringing me to this place in my life. Only time will tell what an impact these students will have in the future days and years to come!!

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